Copyright Information

The copyright to all images and text belong to Nopaws. The use of all images and text is limited to personal and educational applications.

This is some example of expectable use of the image and text:

Personal or educational website that has free public access.

School reports and animal rescue brochures.

Prints for personal use.

Screen savers.

Custom E-mail wall paper.

What is NOT allowed is the use of any image or text in the design of a product intended for sale where the image or text is featured.

A newspaper or magazine can publish the articles on animal care because it is an educational application.

Making T-shirts or any other product that you intend to sell using one of the images would be a violation.

You would be in BIG trouble.


That is our copyright thing.

It is serious stuff.

Worse than pulling the tag off a mattress.

So don't even think about it.





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